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Shai Pinco

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In Memory Of Ella Pinco


Hi there,
Did you know that 5 to 10 years ago, people diagnosed with Advanced (Metastatic) Melanoma, also known as Stage IV Melanoma, had a very poor prognosis and were literally sent home to start saying their goodbyes to family and friends?
In recent years, global research breakthroughs have tripled the life expectancy for advanced melanoma patients. My dear mum was one of these patients, and thanks to advanced immunotherapy treatment we were fortunate enough to have another couple of years together where mum could enjoy spending time with her 7 grandchildren, family and friends. 
Unfortunately the battle against advanced melanoma is one humanity is unable to win, yet. Hopefully one day cancer and specifically melanoma would be treatable and not considered a terminal illness anymore. But we're not there yet, there is still a long battle ahead of us.
As the survival rate is desperately low, the more funds we raise together for Melanoma March 2018, the closer we get to finding a cure for melanoma. We are making progress, but we need your support to help fight melanoma and find a cure!
This year, more than 14,000 Australians will be diagnosed with melanoma and sadly, around 1,800 will die from the disease.  Melanoma is the most common cancer in young Australians (15–39 year olds) and kills more young Australians (20-39 year olds) than any other single cancer.
Through here you can support my efforts by making a donation in memory of Ella Pinco who recently passed away. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page or comment so more people know about it.  
For further details about Melanoma March in Manly visit:
Any contribution large or small is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your support!

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Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)

Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.

For more info, visit our website.

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